Resources for Sawyers

Cooks MP32 Portable Sawmill Setup and Testing

Cooks MP32 Portable Sawmill Setup and Testing

Posted by Admin on Nov 10th 2023

In this video Robert gets an MP32 band sawmill setup, adjusted, tested, and ready for a customer to pickup. Blade Alignment Tool - MP32 Portable Sawmill - ht … read more
Sawing a 36" Wide Stump with the SW52 Sawmill

Sawing a 36" Wide Stump with the SW52 Sawmill

Posted by Admin on Sep 27th 2023

Sawing up large diameter stumps can be a real challenge unless you have the right tool for the job.In this video Stephen Cook makes coffee table tops using a 36" wide stump and saws multiple tops wi … read more
Following the Rules of Sawing Success

Following the Rules of Sawing Success

Posted by Tim Cook on Jan 16th 2019

In today’s society everyone demands perfection. If we go out to eat we want our food to be cooked the way we want, when we buy a car we demand that it have no problems, and when we buy band blades we … read more
Julie's Place

Julie's Place

Posted by James Osmond on Jan 15th 2019

Julie has always had a love for building and creating things from wood. When it came time for her to renovate her cabin she already had some good ideas about what she wanted, but what she ended up wit … read more
Ready To Saw Production?

Ready To Saw Production?

Posted by Tim Cook on Jan 14th 2019

Some people are happy with a mill that saws ‘ok’, but ‘ok’ is not production sawing. If you’re in the group of people who purchased a sawmill with the intention of sawing for production or if you just … read more
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