Resources for Sawyers

Ready To Saw Production?

Ready To Saw Production?

Posted by Tim Cook on Jan 14th 2019

Some people are happy with a mill that saws ‘ok’, but ‘ok’ is not production sawing. If you’re in the group of people who purchased a sawmill with the intention of sawing for production or if you just … read more
Prolonging Bandsaw Blade Life

Prolonging Bandsaw Blade Life

Posted by Admin on Jan 14th 2019

In the last issue we discussed the basics what makes up a bandsaw blade. In this brief article we are going to go over two key features of a blade that will hopefully help you in striving to get the m … read more
Hooked On Hook Angle

Hooked On Hook Angle

Posted by Tim Cook on Jan 14th 2019

With the increase of bandsaw blade marketing in terms of ‘hook angle’ there is also an increase in questions that arise as to how hook angle actually affects blade performance. So the question of … read more
How to Evaluate a Bandsaw Blade

How to Evaluate a Bandsaw Blade

Posted by Tim Cook on Jan 11th 2019

How to Evaluate a Bandsaw BladeI hear many people in our industry using the number of sharpenings they get out of a blade as the measuring stick to determine its overall value. I hear this so often, I … read more
Where You Buy Your Blades, Does it Matter?

Where You Buy Your Blades, Does it Matter?

Posted by Tim Cook on Jan 10th 2019

Where You Buy Your Blades, Does It Make A Difference? Cooks Saw MAKES The Difference!How can Cooks Saw do anything different to the blades that they weld together when they all look the same and are f … read more
Rules were Not Meant to be Broken

Rules were Not Meant to be Broken

Posted by Tim Cook on Jan 10th 2019

As I daily consult with customers who own sawmills, I enjoy helping customers improve their sawing. I have found that there is a solution to every problem that arises from using thin kerf band blades. … read more
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