Resources for Sawyers

Sawmill Bandsaw Blade Basics 4 - Blade Thickness

Sawmill Bandsaw Blade Basics 4 - Blade Thickness

Posted by Admin on Oct 23rd 2023

Good morning this is Stephen Cook with Cooks Saw Manufacturing again and I wanted to bring you a video this morning and talk a little bit about the thickness of thin kerf band saw blades.Thickness i … read more
The History of Thin Kerf Bandsaw Blades

The History of Thin Kerf Bandsaw Blades

Posted by Tim Cook on Jan 16th 2019

The thin kerf blade is a relatively young industry having its roots beginning around the 1970’s. During this time period most narrow blades being produced were for the metal bandsaw industry. So as w … read more
The Value of a Board Edger

The Value of a Board Edger

Posted by Tim Cook on Jan 15th 2019

The Value of a Board EdgerA straight cutting edger is as valuable as your sawmill. It can double your production and increase the value of your logs / lumber.A good edger will save you 50% of your tim … read more
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